see the pink guitar?? hehe its limited edition from obersea.. Tq Bonda. specially for sascha siap ada nama kat pink guitar tuh.. soo comelkan! ;) ini adalah sesi berphoto2 dlm bilik barbie scha..
Bibidi-bobidi-boo ♥ Fairy Queen Mommy Zara
hehe kadang2 kite x cukup masa nk g tgk tunggu je la kuar kat youtube.. hehe yes darling.. ombak rindu dah keluar kat astro first.. dan mcm biasa kalau dah keluar kat astro first haruslah ada insan yg rajin mengupload kan kat youtube. hehe Tq insan yg baik hati.. hehe ok now jom layan ombak rindu full version kat sini..
Bibidi-bobidi-boo ♥ Fairy Queen Mommy Zara
When a mother cries, Her tears stab at her daughter’s heart As they plummet to the floor
When a mother cries Her daughter cries too She cries because she does not know what is wrong She cries because she can’t get rid of her mother’s pain She cries most of all because she loves her mother
When a daughter cries because her mother cries Her mother cries more She cries because her pain has hurt her daughter She cries because she does not want to see her daughter cry because of her She cries most of all, Because she loves her daughter
Once the tears have ceased however, What remains is love The love forever shared between a mother and a daughter
mommy ♥ you zara iris delischa
Bibidi-bobidi-boo ♥ Fairy Queen Mommy Zara
hehe selit lagi sikit hasil deco deco on birthday sascha. bila party.. wajib lah ade deco2nye bg menaik kan lagi feel untuk theme party tersebut.. dann itulah part yg paling mommy suka.. well, actually ini first time beday party scha ade candy table, before ni ade juga candy2 tapi x kumpulkan dlm satu table.. tapi kali ni mommy tgk semua party dah ada candy table soo x ketinggalan la party scha. sgt teruja nk menghias candy table ni sbb candynya sooo kalerfulll.. hehe loike it!!..x de la best sgt candy table yg mommy buat ni, ade la cute cute skit. hehe ni ade sikit2 pics deco2 masa party tu , and boleh tgk previous entry juga, so pd sesiapa nk ambil idea nk buat party your kiddos dipersilakan ya.. mommy banyak ambil ilham kat dlm google ni..sharing is caring kan ;)
Bibidi-bobidi-boo ♥ Fairy Queen Mommy Zara
Happy Third birthday sascha sayang.. Mommy sayang sascha, sayang sangat sangat. nothing on earth can replace my Love for you. Mommy selalu mendoakan supaya sayang menjadi anak yg solehah, sentiasa sayangkan mommy and daddy, sentiasa dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik, dikurniakan umur yang panjang dan sentiasa beroleh kesenangan hidup di dunia dan akhirat. Semoga Allah mendengar dan memakbulkan segala doa doa mommy untuk sayang. aminn.. We ♥ You Zara sayang ;)
Second birthday cake, she requested to have a birthday dinner at kenny rogers.. haha scha yg request sniri oke.. sbb she lovessss mac & cheese soo much! bleh abiskan satu bowl sorang2. hehe
Kali ketiga celeb ni plak ngan mama yaya kat melaka, kat poolside area.. it was a surprise small warm party to lil scha actually.. she was verryyyy happy ;) she got Barbie in wedding dress and Ken from Mama Yaya and Papa Pit. TQ mama yaya.. tq papa pit ;)
Bibidi-bobidi-boo ♥ Fairy Queen Mommy Zara